Pastor Yon's Blog

Justice Shall Prevail

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Justice Shall Prevail

Psalm 11:7 – For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face. (NIV)

Last night, as I was praying over my son after he had fallen asleep, I began to profess the word of God over Him. During that time the Holy Spirit led me into thanksgiving to God. I began to thank God for the “PRIVILEGE” of being able to pray over my son and his sister. Then I began to intercede for the brothers who did not have the privilege that I had. I am not talking about the “sperm-donor dads” who shirk their responsibilities. I am referring to the men of God who do not have direct access to their children. The men who sought justice from the court systems and found none. The men who gave more than the legal systems demanded, and still they do not have the rights to steal a hug or a kiss from their children when they desire. The men who want to be a part of their children’s lives, yet satan has diverted that plan through legal entrapments and the hatred of hell itself.

To the brothers who are attempting to do what is right in the sight of God, there is a word from heaven for you, and that word is “Justice.” Psalms 11:7 tells us that the Lord God Himself loves justice. Knowing this, then what I need to tell you from the throne of grace is “Justice shall prevail.” The crooked and conniving ways will be made straight. The things that have been wrongfully done to you behind your back shall be brought to the light. Everything that has kept justice from you will have justice brought to it. The Lord says, “I love justice and justice shall prevail.”

Just keep on praying without ceasing or fainting. God hears every prayer you have sent up, and the Holy Spirit will honor them as you stand upon God’s word. Keep proclaiming God as the Restorer of your soul and family, and He will do just that, which the latter part of our text confirms. It states, “upright men will see his face.” It doesn’t say “you might” or “you probably will.” The text says, “YOU WILL see his face.” So what is meant by “his face?” In the simplest terms, it means His presence, and whenever His presence is available, nothing can be missing or lacking. The power of satan becomes null and void in His presence. The injustices must cease and desist in His presence. The problems must go away and the pain has to subside in His presence. In His presence there is fullness of joy and restoration. And yes, in His presence there can only be Justice, and believe me Justice shall be served.

So stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord, Man of God! Your Father in Heaven knows what it is like to be a Father. He knows what it is like to be separated from His children. He knows what it feels like to long for them and yearn to have them with Him. That’s why He will ensure that when all is said and done, His word will be the final word and His verdict will be the last one read. And when that day comes — Justice Shall Prevail!

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