Pastor Yon's Blog

My Majestic Mind

6 Mins read

My Majestic Mind

(Key Text – Ephesians 4:23 – "And be renewed in the spirit of your
mind;" )

Part I – Submit Your Mind To The Lord

Study Text – Ephesians 4:17-18

17 This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth
walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, 18 Having
the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the
ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:

Many of us have had dreams and visions which were truly sent from God above.
Because these dreams and visions have taken us to places far beyond anything we
could ever imagine, we’ve often wondered – "Where did this come
from?" But know this — GOD IS A BIG GOD!!! He has big plans for you – but
your mind can limit Him. This is only logical because your mind can be limited
by what it is exposed to, but by following your God-planned destiny, you will
see that your plans are smaller than you could ever imagine.

Now the biggest thing that keeps you from reaching the "manifest
destiny" is your education-yes, all that garbage that taught you how to
think. All the trash that flows around in your mind is just like a drain pipe
that’s been clogged up. If you ever take a pipe off that has been clogged,
you’ll see the gobs and gook that keep the water from flowing. Hmmmmm…. They
keep the water from flowing, like the living water which is Jesus. An example
of the gobs and gook in your mind that keep your dreams from coming to pass are
friends and relatives. They say to you "Do you think you can really do
this or that? It’s really difficult"-just enough to throw a gob of doubt
into your mind. But right now we are, by the power that worketh within us which
is Christ Jesus, going to move toward God’s manifest destiny and away from the
world’s mess. So profess it. Say, "TODAY, I MOVE AWAY FROM THE MESS AND

Therefore, we need a majestic mind. A place where no gook and garbage
reside. A place where the things of God dwell. After salvation in Christ, the
first step to having a majestic mind is submitting your mind to the Lord. In
the 17th verse, Paul tells the church of Ephesus that they should not walk
(live) as the Gentiles (heathens) walk in the vanity (own understanding) of
their minds. Every day men submit things to other men. Man will submit his car
to an auto-mechanic, his body to a doctor, his money to an investor, his
children to teachers but still won’t submit his mind to God. By not submitting
your mind to God, you will truly miss out. The proof is in the 18th verse which
tells us three results of not submitting your mind to the Lord.

(1) Darkened Understanding – Have you ever "Not Got It?!" You
know, it’s like being in a math class where you didn’t get the answer right on
the test, but after the test, once the teacher explained it again – "You
Got It!" But guess what? — Too Late Mate!! You needed to "get
it" during the test and not after. That’s why you need to submit your mind
to the Lord so that you won’t lose money on that investment. When the Holy
Spirit was telling you, "Take your money out of that investment," you
were walking by foolishness instead of by faith. Don’t miss it!! Proverbs 4:7
— "In all of thy getting, get understanding!"

(2) Alienation from the life of God through Ignorance – Do you know that God
wants to have an intimate relationship with you? Do you know He wants to be
Lord in every area of your life? The Lord is saying this to you right now:

"The sacrifice I made was not for your ignorance but for your benefit.
It wasn’t to keep you from the Father but to move you closer to Him. To take
you behind the veil into the holy place where the Father dwells. Your salvation
has more power than you could ever imagine or realize if you would just submit
to Me. My plans are bigger than any mind could ever hold. I have no limit. I
have no boundaries except those of your mind. I desire to bless My people above
anything they could ask or think."

(3) Blindness of Heart – This will cause you to miss many blessings, and it
almost caused me to miss one of the biggest ones God has given me — my wife. I
tell you the first time I saw her I thought, "Man she looks
Goooood!!" But I also thought, "She’s probably got an attitude."
I didn’t even know her and have mercy Jesus, I didn’t like her. Why? Because my
heart was blind. I didn’t see what God had for me, right in front of me! But
Oooooooh thank God for 2 Corinthians 12:9: "And he said unto me, My grace
is sufficient for thee." That little hard-headed fellow you all know as
Eddie didn’t know it, but God had delivered his wife to him. And now I know
that I know that I know that God’s grace is sufficient because after that day I
got another chance, and I didn’t blow it – Did I Sweetie?!! I mean, I really
almost missed out because "In my mind" my wife had an attitude, but the
reality was she didn’t — I did!

I know that we’ve all missed out on several occasions because our minds were
not "in the RIGHT HANDS at the right time," but the Lord’s about to
give you another chance, and in this chance is coming rejuvenation and
restoration. Yes, the Lord has been tapping on your heart with that same dream
He gave you all those years ago and He’s saying, "It’s not too late, It’s
not too late. Don’t listen to what your friends and family are saying. I’ve
still given you breath and if you still have breath, you can still attain the
dream." So today we submit our minds to Jesus and press toward the mark
for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14). We
won’t worry about what Uncle Rufus ‘dem say. We won’t worry about what our
friends think we can or can not do. God knows our destiny and our end, and we
won’t allow anyone or anybody to change it.

Faith Confession:

My mind is a majestic place. A place where the Lord’s visions dwell. A place
where His dreams reside. I will only hold the things of God, and I rebuke the
devil’s visions of failure or disappointment. For in my mind, God’s plans are
kept. Plans of prosperity and wealth, plans of joy and peace. Plans that are
pleasing to God because they are of God. And I know that if God has given me
these visions, then by faith in Him they shall come to pass. Therefore, I stand
on Hebrews 12:2 as I look "unto Jesus the author and finisher of [my] faith;
who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame,
and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." And if the
Lord authors my destiny, then surely it shall come to pass. I bind any demonic
gook or garbage as God opens my mind to be receptive to dreams or visions that
shall pour out of heaven as living water, uninterrupted and unhindered by any
satanic forces. By the blood of Jesus, I no longer receive anything that
negates the will of God in my life because I know that my God, my Lord, my
Savior and my Holy Spirit has no failure for me in my life. Therefore, I will
finish the race, not looking back but pressing onward. And in the end, the
dreams and visions shall move from the spirit realm to the natural realm. I
GOD SAID I WOULD, AND SO I SHALL. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost — my Godly visions and dreams shall come to pass.

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