Pastor Yon's Blog

Rest, My Child

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Rest, My Child

Tidbit Text: Psalm 23:2 – "He maketh me to lie down in green

Last Friday night, Veronica and I had dinner at our friends’ house. During
our visit we were extremely blessed by their oldest child Sarah, a bright and
bubbly three-year old. During the entire night, Sarah was bursting with energy.
She asked questions, played vigorously and even pulled off a few cart-wheels.
However, we were really blessed when she changed clothes and performed her tap
dance routine—all of this after a full day of playing.

By the time we got ready to leave, Sarah’s mom said to her, "Sweetie,
it’s time for bed." Sarah of course replied, "Bed?!! Already?!!"
Immediately afterwards, the Lord brought to me this week’s tidbit text:
"He maketh [constantly makes] me to lie down in green pastures."

We all know that Sarah, like the Energizer Bunny, could have kept going and
going, but her mother’s wisdom would not let this happen. Why? Because playing
herself to exhaustion would not have been good for her little body.

Our Savior’s role is no different than that of Sarah’s mother. When we stay
up late and have to get up early the next morning (Psalm 127:2), He still
blesses us BEFORE we get up and right AFTER work with those "power
naps"– He Maketh Us Lie Down. And whenever we have problems, He is always
willing to take them from us to lessen our burdens (Matthew 11:28) — He Maketh
Us Lie Down. Even when we are contemplating revenge on others, often to the
point of losing sleep, He tells us, "I’ll handle it" (Romans 12:19)
— He Maketh Us Lie Down.

So just like Sarah, play hard—– But Get Your Rest!!!

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