Pastor Yon's Blog


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Jeremiah 32:17 “Ah Lord GOD! Behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:”

What does God call your trouble? I will tell you right up front; He calls your trouble “nothing.” Our text tells us that there is nothing too hard for God. He made the heaven and the earth. He brought forth light out of the darkness and separated the two into night and day. He brought forth man from mere dust, so you see it’s easy for Him to give your trouble the name “nothing.” In doing so, He is not saying your welfare during the situation doesn’t matter. Instead, He is saying that the cause of the situation is insignificant because He can change or destroy it. Let me share this with you.

Have you ever been in a situation where you were able to bless people? I don’t mean the “Dollar Store” blessing…. I’m talking about blessing them “real good” and “real big.” Not the McDonald’s super-sized blessing but the Mighty God-sized blessing. Now get this. When you were in position to help these people out of their financial problem and it didn’t put a dent in your wallet, what did you say? When you were able to bless them out of your kitchen and you didn’t miss the food, it felt really good— didn’t it? I’m sure it did, but that’s not the point. The point I’m trying to get to is, “what did you say?”

First of all, after you blessed them “real good,” hopefully they said, “Thank you.” If they did say “thank you,” your response was probably “Aawwww, it was NOTHING.” Just think – after you blessed their socks off, after you did the exceeding abundant, above all they could ask or think, you still replied, “Really, it’s nothing.” After they thanked you over and over and over and asked if they could do you a favor – – – any favor, you gently reminded them, “Trust me; it was really nothing.”

Now if you, who can run out of provisions, say it’s nothing when you bless someone in the time of need or trouble, then how much more can your heavenly Father call your problem and the solution to it “nothing?” As we sweat and struggle, God is already saying, “Turn it over to me. It’s nothing to me, even though it’s everything to you. And when I bless you, heal you, make you whole again, and restore you, I will remind you that I am God and that doing it was easy and pleasurable for me.”

There is nothing too hard for God. There is nothing that He can not do. Don’t let your temporal situation deter you for believing in the God of more than enough. He will surely bring you out of what you are in because He has more than enough to get the job done. When it came to our salvation, there was NOTHING too great to give. When it comes to our temporal situations, it is NOTHING for Him to show up and take care of the matter at hand. And as we are thanking Him, remember, “Because you are everything to Him, there is NOTHING that will keep Him from delivering you.”

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