Pastor Yon's Blog

Before, During and After

2 Mins read

Before, During and After

Philippians 1:3 – “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.”

I am sure by now that each of you has seen a glimpse of the damage done by Hurricane Ivan. If not, then maybe you saw what Hurricane Charlie or Frances did. Many of you know that we, the Yon family, are Florida residents. Well truly, God has blessed us and our loved ones during these times, and we can not thank Him or praise Him enough for sparing us as He did.

However, we really don’t know how many of you fared during these hurricanes. We have no idea where many of you are located, and we really would like to know. Believe us when we tell you that we truly thank God for every remembrance of you. We get the biggest thrill when you “check in” with us just to say hello. Simply to know that God has kept you as He has kept us is a blessing that is beyond compare. To know that His hand of favor and His protection abounds you is encouraging to us. To hear of the blessings that He is bestowing upon you empowers us as well. Even if the only contact we have with you is seeing your name in our database, with every remembrance, we thank God for you, the life He has for you, and the life that He has given you.

Saying all of this, here’s what we want you to do. We want each of you to update your profile to include at least your city and state. If you don’t feel like entering your address and phone number that’s fine, but we would like at least the city and state. Here are the instructions to do so:

1) Go to our this link from our website:

2) From this link, type in your email address.
Our system will then, send you a copy of your password for the system in a return email.
Note: If you are receiving this message from a friend and would like to receive our email directly, you can do so by going to this link:

3) Click the “login” button, which will take you to your profile.
There you can edit your profile and enter your City and State. Again, you do not have to enter any other information.

In closing, we would like to know where you are in case we have to send up special prayers for you and the area in which you live before, during, and after challenging weather or anything else that may come into your area. Even if we simply see your city’s name pop up on ESPN’s SportsCenter, we would count it a joy at the opportunity to thank God upon each remembrance of you.

With God’s Love,

Eddie, Veronica, Veresia, Eddie III, & Evan (expected: Nov. 23)

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