So I’m at Jefferson County High school volunteering and one of our kids comes to me and says, “Pastor Yon, I need you to help me get all these ‘F’s’ off my report card.”
I told him, “Getting them ‘F’s’ off your report card is up to you!”
He then shows me his grades and they are all A’s and one B!”
My reply was , “Why you messing with me?!”
He then says, “I owe this to you.”
He then reminded me of the time I shared with the football team this formula for life…
Big Events + Big Responses = Big Outcomes.
I got that from a University of Virginia volleyball team meeting when my daughter and I went on her official visit the previous summer.
I shared it with the Jefferson County Football team and told them, “Life is not about what happens to you, it’s about how you respond!”
The young man then told me that the message changed his life. He went on to say, “Every moment now, I’m thinking about how am I going to respond. After every bad play I’m thinking how do I respond? When I get up in the morning, I’m thinking how do I respond?”
It surprised me how one opportunity to share hope and inspiration can really change a life so dramatically.
Anyway, after class when all the students had left, I went to his teacher and asked her, “what type of student was he last year?” She told me, “Not the type he is this year!” She went on to tell me that he has really pulled it together and is doing great! And that he was her best student!
All of this from one moment!
The truth of the matter is each of us have inspired others more than we realize, we just don’t know it. Whether through kind words or even small deeds, we have changed lives for the better. When others had needs, we rose to the occasion to remove the burden. That’s how so many of us have responded.
It’s through those opportunities of prayer, giving, supporting and loving others that we have silently, yet unknowingly changed lives for the better.
So keep on inspiring others, keep planting good seeds, and keep being the blessing God made you so that we can continually create good harvests of love, hope, peace, success and happiness in the lives of others. And the reason I shared all of this is because I have now learned the following:
Small Responses can = Big outcomes!
Pastor Eddie L. Yon