Pastor Yon's Blog

Christmas Time

1 Mins read

Christmas Time – (Part I)
The Perfect Gift

Romans 5:17 “For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.”

A few days before Christmas, in the midst of the bustle,
while with fists full of dollars, every shopper does a hustle.

Seeking and searching for the gift that’s just right,
to sneak under the tree before that special night.

The perfect gift may bring a smile, maybe a tear,
but it might be forgotten by this time next year.

And if you don’t believe me, I’ll put you to the test.
What did you get last year? A sweater or vest?

Or a gift from your favorite shop in the mall?
Or a picture or a painting to hang on your wall?

Whatever the gift, I’m sure it was a blessing;
if you can’t remember it, there is no need in stressing.

Because the gift you received was a token and sign
that you were on someone’s heart and on someone’s mind.

And with God, this same principle is found to be true,
when He sent His Son Jesus into the earth just for you.

To ensure God’s best and to thwart life’s worst
while providing every blessing and destroying every curse.

To die on a cross and be born in a manger,
To give life for a friend, who was never a stranger.

It was you that He knew before the beginning of time
before the earth and the sun, before rhythm and rhyme.

Before the earth was formed with the first “Let there be,”
God had a perfect plan for our eternity.

Only a God like our God would offer a place like Heaven
and ensure we live there with Him “24 – 7.”

Our promise, our peace is “Wrapped up” in Jesus
the One Who would never forsake us nor leave us.

He is truly the gift that just keeps on giving,
and because He still lives, life is truly worth living.

Yes, getting the gifts can be oh so nice,
but don’t forget the Gift Who paid the ultimate price.

Merry Christmas from Elyon Ministries!!

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