Pastor Yon's Blog

Disagreeable Things

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Disagreeable Things

Psalms 23:4 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

This summer during our vacation, God presented an awesome opportunity to me. He allowed me to walk with Him in a monsoon! That’s right – – – a monsoon! It was 1:00 a.m. and I couldn’t sleep. All of a sudden, it began to rain, heavily, very heavily. The winds began to swirl and blow tremendously; then I heard God say, “Go outside and get wet.” My reply, “huh?” (Like I didn’t hear or understand the first time.) He obliged me by repeating the phrase, “Go outside and get wet.” So like a nervous kid at his first day of swimming lessons, I went outside. I stayed close to the building, but I went outside. Then I heard God say, “Let’s take a walk.” So off we went, into the monsoon.

Initially, the walk started out as a semi-jog, because I really wasn’t trying to sightsee. Trust me, I was trying to be obedient as swiftly as I knew how. Once again, God got my attention. He said, “Why are you acting as though I’m not with you.” With that, my brisk “almost jog,” which took place while I was wearing flip-flops, began to take on a slower pace.

Eventually, it got to the point where I was truly “strolling” in the heavy rain. Security guards were out as well, and as they approached me, I greeted them with the most sophisticated greeting they could get under the circumstances. I said with eloquence, “Good evening gentlemen, how are you doing this evening.” I guess they figured I wasn’t crazy, even though I was out in a monsoon with flip-flops, shorts, and a t-shirt, strolling as if I didn’t have a care in the world.

As we continued to walk, God ministered to me on some of the fears that I had. and delivered me from them. But all of those fears fell right into one category – – – evil. Our text tell us, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” Now, the word “evil” comes from the Hebrew word “ra,'” which means whatever is disagreeable to God. In other words, as I walk through this life (“the valley of the shadow of death”), I will not fear what is disagreeable to God.

Now there are many things that are disagreeable to God, but today I’m going to tackle only one: “death before your time.” Can I tell the truth here! When I was in the monsoon, I feared for my life, and God had to check me on that. As soon as He said, “Why are you acting as though I’m not with you,” I got it. He wasn’t going to allow or agree to my getting injured, especially if He told me to go into the storm. Instead, He ministered to me, encouraged me, and also stayed with me along the way. And He will do the same for you (“for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”).

Whatever God has spoken over you, know that it only takes Him one time to speak it. After that just keep walking until you reach your manifestation. Whatever He said you will have, you will have. Whatever He said you will do, you will do. Whatever He said you will be, you will be because nothing disagreeable (contrary to His word) can defeat you and it surely can’t defeat Him!

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