Veronica Adams Yon is a native of Quitman, Georgia, where she matriculated through the Brooks County School System. She holds a B.A. degree in English from Spelman College (1989) as well as an M.A. (1991) and a Ph.D. (2000) in English from the Florida State University. She is also an Associate Professor of English and Director of the Writing Resource Center at Florida A&M University.
Sister Yon has accepted the call of God on her life and uses her communicative skills to advance the kingdom of God. In addition to proofreading and writing faith-filled messages for Elyon Ministries, she co-hosts the ministry’s web broadcast, “Restoring Your Glory,” coordinates RGCC’s education curriculum, and serves as an elder of the church.
Elder Veronica and Pastor Eddie have been married since 1993 and are the parents of four beautiful children: Veresia, Eddie III, Evan, and Ethan.