First of all, I would like to thank all of the ladies who came out last night to support Pastor as he ministered at New Image Christian Center. Looking around and seeing your beautiful, supportive faces meant a lot to me and to him. Also, thank you to everyone else who stood in prayer with us for the service. We prayed that Pastor be used mightily, that the Holy Spirit have free reign, that lives be changed, and that people be restored, and that is exactly what happened. Again, thank you so much.
You know, your support made me think about why God has called us together, not just in women’s ministry, but in the church in general. We are told not to forsake the assembling of ourselves among believers (Hebrews 10:25). Why? Because that’s where our support is. That’s where our encouragement is. That’s where our sharpening is (Proverbs 27:17). So that’s why it’s so important where we plant ourselves. As Pastor Eggleston said last night, “You can’t grow if you aren’t planted.” And I would like to add, “and you need to be planted in fertile ground—ground that will nurture you, ground that will support you, ground that will enrich you.”
As they say in real estate, there are three things that matter most: location, location, location! Well, in your life, location means everything as well. Where you worship and where you spend your time will determine the people you come in contact with. If you keep feeling beat down, discouraged, and empty, take a minute and look around. Your location may be the problem!
The second chapter of Mark tells the story of a paralyzed man who wanted to get to Jesus, so he could be healed. Four of his friends carried him on a mat to the house where Jesus was, but the crowd was so large, they couldn’t get in. Did they give up? No! They took the man on top of the house, made a hole in the roof, and lowered him down to Jesus. Verse 5 of this chapter says, “When Jesus saw their faith,” He forgave the man of his sins and healed him.
Whose faith did Jesus see? The friends’ faith. You see, this man positioned himself among friends who had his back, so when things “looked” bad for him, they offered a better perspective, a higher viewpoint, a different location!!! Maybe when he saw the crowd, the paralyzed man said, “Thanks for trying. You can take me back home now because there’s no way we can get through this crowd to see Jesus.” But his friends didn’t give up. His friends were willing to “tear the roof off the sucka,” so their friend could get his healing!! (Note: This is Pastor’s way of putting it.)
Today, I encourage you to take a look at where you are in life. If you are not receiving the support you need to accomplish your goals, your dreams, and your calling, you might need to gain a better perspective, a higher viewpoint, a different atmosphere. I’m telling you, location, location, location is everything!
Get Movin’
Veronica Yon