Repentence – Weapon for Spiritual Warfare
2 Corinthians 10th Chapter
4For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty
through God to the pulling down of strong holds; 5Casting down
imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge
of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Through my study of repentence, I found one definition which states that it
is merely a change of mind or attitude based on knowledge or information. In
short, it’s changing your mind or changing your thinking. Saying that, I will
share with you this story.
I have a friend named Darius who was a wrestler in high school. He was really
good, but he had a friend on his wrestling team who was state champion. His
friend was so good that many opponents would lose matches quickly because they
were in awe of the "legendary status" before the match took place.
Well, one day Darius had a match, and his opponent thought that Darius was
his friend. Darius told me, "That was the easiest match I ever had. The
boy just ‘rolled over’ for me, and I pinned him in a matter or seconds."
After the match, Darius’ opponent called him by his friend’s name and said,
"Man…. you’re as good as they said you were."
So what happened here? It’s obvious. Darius’ opponent had built up a "strong
hold" one brick at a time (we’ll explain this more today), and that strong
hold got the best of him. If Darius’ opponent would have come out swinging with
the mindset of winning, who knows what would have happened?
As the body of Christ, we’ve got to stop ‘rolling over’ for the enemy. Rolling
over is for dogs and demons. We command; they obey!! All we’ve got to do is
repent from the brick-by-brick thoughts to become overcomers and not the overcomed!!