Pastor Yon's Blog

Tell Them Who He Is!

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Tell Them Who He Is!

Matthew 16th Chapter
13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.
15 “He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?”

Today, March 19, 2006, marks the release of the movie “The Davinci Code” in theaters across the nation. Just like the novel, the movie attempts to paint an inaccurate image (a better word is lie) of who Jesus Christ is. Yet, not to give credence to the movie or to what it says about Jesus, I believe the real question is “who do you, as a Christian, say He is?

The Davinci Code is really nothing new to Jesus. People have been talking about Him before He was born, and they will keep talking about Him until He comes back. He’s been ridiculed, spat upon, lied on, beaten, subjected to a false trial, and yes, talked about. But during His short tenure on earth, whenever He was the subject of discussion, He didn’t stop to ask the public, “So what do think about me?” He didn’t ask the media, “So how’s my publicity rating?” He didn’t walk the malls with a clipboard asking people, “So how am I doing?” Even though He first asked His disciples, “Who do men say I am,” He really got to the question He wanted them to answer when He stated, “BUT who do you say I am?”

Now, I’ve been told that the word “but” has a specific purpose in a sentence, and that is to cancel out or to contradict the previous statement. For example, remember in high school when you were dating, and either you or the other person said, “Well, I do have feelings for you, but I don’t want to see you anymore.” Now if the truth be told, the only thing the listener really needed to focus on was the last half of that statement because that is the part that really brought the message home.

Likewise, the last half of Jesus’ statement brings our message home. You see, no misleading, muddled, murky movie can tell the world who Jesus really is. Only those who believe in Him, have been delivered by Him, know Him, trust Him, and Love Him can do that. My brother and sister, you have been commissioned and positioned to tell those around you about the Jesus you know, so they can be saved just like you are saved! And more than this, remember, Jesus didn’t commission the world to tell people who He was. He told to his disciples to, “Go ye into the world and preach the Gospel” (Mark 16:15). So as you go about your way and about your day, with boldness, courage, and tenacity, tell them “Who He Is!”

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