Our Vision:

To function as a Holy Spirit-led, kingdom-driven church focused on Evangelism, Discipleship, and the Restoration of the whole man through God’s word, thereby impacting the community, region, and world.


Our Mission:

“And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them,

that they may be one, even as we are one.” -John 17:22

With John 17:22 as this ministry’s foundational scripture, the mission of Restored Glory Christian Center (RGCC) is to preach LIFE, speak LIFE, teach LIFE, and be LIFE to our community by sharing the love of God and the word of God.


Mission L.I.F.E.:

(L)ead non-believers to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

(I)mpact the region by representing and re-presenting the kingdom of God.

(F)ellowship in unity, displaying God’s love and the glory of Jesus Christ.

(E)mpower believers with the truth of God’s word.