Pastor Yon's Blog

When It Comes…

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When It Comes…

Numbers 14:10 “But the whole assembly talked about stoning them. Then the glory of the LORD appeared at the Tent of Meeting to all the Israelites” (NIV).

As my favorite sporting season, football, comes to a close, I can’t help but to be thankful for at least one of the players who is heading into the Super Bowl. I really haven’t followed his career closely, but I’ve kept somewhat of an eye on him.

Throughout this athlete’s college and professional career, he has had some best moments and some not so great moments. Consequently, many of his critics have said that he could never lead his team to the big game or that he’s incapable of winning the big game. Yet last week, he proved many of his critics wrong. He hung in there, despite the criticism, and is now about to go to the promised land of football: the Super Bowl!

Looking at the 14th chapter of Numbers, we see two leaders, Moses and Aaron, who were in a similar situation. They were trying to lead their people to the “Promised Land,” but along the way, a few challenges occurred, and they faced obstacles they didn’t plan on. As a result, the people began to get uncomfortable; they became the critics! According to our text, “the whole assembly talked about stoning them.” Yes beloved, you can talk a good game about bringing people into the promised land, but if the plans get deferred or detoured, you’d better believe someone will be thinking of exterminating you.

It’s amazing that God will allow us to go through the most trying times of life, only to show up in the midst of them and do what He does best – – – “Be God!” For evidence, let’s look back at our text: “But the whole assembly talked about stoning them. THEN the glory of the Lord appeared…” I placed emphasis on “THEN” to remind you that just when your critics are about to launch the final assault to cast you into a spiraling depression, the glory of the LORD will show up.

Just when the bullying boss is going to push you over the edge, the glory of the LORD will show up. Just when the committee members naysay about your decisions behind your back, the glory of the LORD will show up. Just when your family members question the choices you’ve made, the glory of the LORD will show up. Even when you yourself, doubt yourself guess what… His glory will show up.

God will honor the promise of bringing you into the promised land. Stay faithful, because He is faithful. Don’t quit because He won’t quit. Stick with it because I guarantee you God is going to stick with it. And be not dismayed or weary in well doing, for in due season, you will be reap, if you faint not (Galatians 6:9). The question is not an “if” but a “when” and the “when” shall surely occur and the glory of the Lord will show up in your life

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