Pastor Yon's Blog

Mission: Possible

2 Mins read

Mission: Possible!

Mark 9:23 “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”

Have you ever been led by the Lord to do something that– based on the circumstances– seemed totally absurd? For instance, has He ever told you to go to a car lot to get a new car, and your credit was so bad you couldn’t borrow air, even with a co-signer? Has He ever told you to fill out an application for a job you knew you weren’t qualified for? Has He ever told you that He was going to restore your relationship, and your mate was “shacking up” with someone else? Has He ever told you that He was going to bring you out of what you were in when everyone else believed you were going to die right where you were?

If you are going through one of these scenarios or something that’s similar, we have a word of encouragement for you today: “God will deliver you out of your situation!” He will see you through, to the other side, if you do as the psalmist does in Psalm 31:1. “In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness.” Put your trust in the Lord, and while you’re believing Him for your turn around, do not be ashamed. Let me dwell on this for a minute.

Now let’s say you had twenty dollars and the Lord told you to go to the store and buy a gallon of milk. That would be pretty easy to do because you would have the resources on you to do so. However, it would be an entirely different ball game if the Lord sent you to buy milk and you didn’t have money. I’m sure many of us might even be ashamed. We would be concerned about what people would think or say if we got to the cash register without having the money to pay. But let me throw a curve ball at you for a minute and share this. The same God who gave you resources before you went to the store is the same God who can provide you resources when you get to the store!

I know that God has told many of you to do something that makes no sense to your neighbors, friends, and even to you as well. That’s good! As a matter of fact that’s GREAT because His instructions reveal that He’s trying take you somewhere you’ve never been. He’s trying to show you something you haven’t seen! He trying to get you something you don’t have! Just because the situation is beyond your control doesn’t mean it’s beyond His control. He is the all sufficient, all providing, and all knowing God.

Don’t you dare pursue that dream with your head hung down in shame because no one understands it and no one sees it as possible. If God sends you out on the impossible mission, you need to know this… Because He sent you… Let me say that again… Because He sent you, it is Possible! It might not be practical, popular, or proper, but IT IS POSSIBLE!!! Just trust, believe, and never be ashamed.

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