This is your season!
Psalms 1:3 “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”
My family loves to eat fresh fruit. For the past few weeks, my wife Veronica, who is currently six months pregnant, has had a taste for watermelon. So like a good husband, I attempted to oblige her. I called my dad and asked him to pick up a few watermelons, and he said that he would. Now just a few weeks prior, my dad was dropping off five to six watermelons every week because my grandfather grows them. We had so many, that we had to give a number of them away. However, it had gotten to the point where he had not delivered any to us in quite a while.
As I arrived at his house, I saw five melons awaiting us. But these melons did not look as good as the others that he had brought us. In fact, they looked like they had been sitting out in the field just a little too long. My dad told me that he did not get those melons from my grandfather’s field. Instead, he had gotten them from another person. As we were talking, his best friend, who also grows watermelons, came up and joined our conversation. I asked the two of them, in desperation, “Does anyone around here have watermelons?” His best friend replied, “Son… you’ve missed watermelon season.”
In our text, we are given the image and outcome of the “blessed man/woman.” From the first verse of this psalm, the blessed man walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful. In short, he/she keeps the word of God wherever he/she goes. He adheres to it, he lives it, and he relies upon it. And by doing so, he has the outcome in the third verse, which states that he will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water bringing forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
What this means is that by keeping God’s word in covenant and not convenience, you will experience overflow. Let me go back to my “watermelon” experience. While we were in watermelon season, we had an abundance of watermelons. It was to the point where we were trying to find people to bless with watermelons. After the season ended, however, I could not even bless myself nor my family. What I am here to tell you today is that because you have kept God’s words in your heart, because you have relied on His promises, because you have stood on His covenants, you are now about to walk smack dab into your season — and stay there.
I speak prophetically to you that all the hell you went through in an attempt to be the Christian you are supposed to be will pass away. You have sown in tears and now it’s high time that you reap in joy. Honey, this is your season. You will be planted by the river, a source of abundance that will never dry up. You won’t go back to things being the way they used to be. You won’t experience lack any more. Your leaf will not wither ever again.
Whatsoever you do shall prosper, grow, and flourish, and the glory of God will be manifest in your life. Doors will open for you, and you shall walk through them because it is your season. Your age will not be the factor, because those things that have been lying dormant in your belly shall spring forth with life again. Your are not too old to pursue ventures of your youth because this is your season. The businesses you desired shall spring forth. The relationship that you wanted, even though you may be forty, fifty or even sixty, shall spring forth, and it will not wither. The life that you’ve wanted for your children, where God will rule and reign in their lives, shall spring forth and will not wither.
I speak the same blessing and anointing over you that was over Joseph’s life. Even though you’ve been lied on, even though your loved one threw you in the pit and sold you out, even though you’ve paid the price for something you did not do, I proclaim that starting today your season has begun. Obstacles will now become opportunities. Stumbling blocks will now become stepping stones. Problems will now become prosperity—–because whatsoever you do, shall prosper, and it will not wither away. Rejoice beloved of God because officially your season has begun.